
3 Common Mistakes A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Law Firm Will Help You Avoid


Filing for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be intimidating, and many things could go wrong. If you handle this process yourself, you may make mistakes that may be costly to fix. The good news is that you don't have to go it alone. Enlisting the help of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy law firm attorney will make the process smoother, faster, and more likely to succeed. Here are three common mistakes these lawyers will protect you from.

30 November 2022

Is It Time to Consult Bankruptcy Lawyers?


If you're drowning in debt, bankruptcy protection might be able to assist. Bankruptcy attorneys can help you understand the facts of your case, determine if bankruptcy is the right option for you, and guide you through the process of declaring bankruptcy and starting over. When should you see bankruptcy lawyers if your financial stress is too much? 1. You've Gotten a Notice of Repossession A foreclosure/repossession notice is never welcome news, but if you've gotten one, it's definitely time to contact a bankruptcy attorney.

22 April 2022

4 Questions About The Automatic Stay When Filing For Bankruptcy


One of the ways that you are protected during a bankruptcy filing is the automatic stay. However, the name alone does not tell you much about what the law actually does to give you the protection that you need. Here are a few questions you're likely to have about the automatic stay as you move forward with your bankruptcy case.  What Is The Automatic Stay? The legal process known as the automatic stay prevents creditors from collecting debts that you owe while your bankruptcy case is being worked on.

8 November 2021

Fell and Slipped at a Grocery Store? Steps You Need to Take to Get the Treatment You Need


If you fell and slipped at a grocery store due to something in your way or liquid spilled on the floor, you need to take steps quickly. This is because you may have medical appointments or hospital bills to take care of if you were injured. One important thing to do is to contact a personal injury attorney. Below are two things this professional will do to help you. Contact the Grocery Store

22 June 2021

What Assets Can You Keep After Chapter 7?


When folks learn about Chapter 7 bankruptcy law, the first thing they should understand is that it means liquidation. In legal terms, liquidation is the sale of assets to try to satisfy as many of the debts owed to one's creditors as possible. This does not mean, however, that every single thing you own will be sold. Depending on your circumstances and the state laws where you live, you may be able to hold onto a reasonable portion of your assets.

29 September 2020

Money Woes Got You Down? Why You Should Go See A Bankruptcy Attorney


It's hard to enjoy life when you are drowning in a sea of debt. You may have heard people say that money doesn't buy happiness, but when you don't have it, you might politely beg to differ. Constantly fielding harassing phone calls from your creditors is no fun, and if you don't see a lump sum of money coming your way anytime in the near future, you can easily slip into despair.

5 December 2019

4 Different Ways A Tax Attorney Can Help You Out


When it comes to doing your taxes, an accountant isn't your only option for assistance. Tax attorneys are another option for assistance with your taxes and tax issues. A tax attorney can help you in a variety of ways. #1 Help You File Your Yearly Taxes One of the most straightforward tasks a tax attorney can help you with is filing your taxes. They can review your taxes to make sure you did them correctly, or they can prepare your taxes for you with the information you give them.

23 March 2019

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Eligibility Issues


Filing for bankruptcy under the provisions of Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy code can help those in a desperate financial situation get out from under their debt burden and make a fresh start in life. Not everyone who wants to file under chapter 7, the most common type of bankruptcy, will meet the eligibility requirements. Nor is all debt eligible for discharge under current bankruptcy laws. The following article looks at this topic in more detail.

21 February 2019

Settling Your Debts To Move Forward Financially


It's a hard decision to make when you are facing a potential bankruptcy. Whether you have lost your job and haven't been able to keep up with bills, or you are going through a terrible divorce and don't have many options, filing for bankruptcy has both benefits and drawbacks. Not all of your debt can be written off in a bankruptcy. If you owe back taxes, student loan debt or child support, you won't be able to erase this debt.

2 January 2019

Begin The Process Of Bankruptcy By Hiring An Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney To Represent You


Sometimes in life, financial conditions cause you to accumulate debts that you can't pay off on your own. You can file for bankruptcy relief from your present financial troubles. Bankruptcy allows you to legally either cancel out all of your current debts or find a way to manage a payment plan. Many people choose to use bankruptcy to cancel out their debts in court. Start the process of bankruptcy by hiring an experienced bankruptcy attorney to guide you through the process.

21 November 2018